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Ross Stackhouse - March 21, 2021

BLESSED, pt 5: BLESSED Are Those Whose Hearts Are Refined

instead of imagining a pure person as someone who is white as snow and without blemish, it would be better to imagine someone who has been refined by fire so they’re a bit singed and ashen and melted down but shining. Like Jesus, who surrendered his heart and life to the mission the Father had given him, which sent him out into the wilderness to be refined and had him eating alongside tax collectors and sinners and adulterers and led his being persecuted, plotted against, arrested, beaten, mocked, and nailed to a cross. Pure. If you want to know what it means to be pure like God or to purify yourselves or to purify your hearts, this is what it looks like. It’s to offer your entire heart and life to God and let God reveal in you and through you what is good and true. It’s simply praying daily, “God, I offer my heart and life to you, which means I offer my mistakes, how I’ve missed the mark, how I’ve failed to love you, love my neighbors and myself. Show me who you really are. Show me how to enjoy and use and share the good gifts you’ve given me.”

From Series: "Sunday Gatherings"

Sunday Gatherings with HeavenEarth Church.

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