Ross Stackhouse - March 28, 2021
BLESSED, pt 6: Making Peace with God, Ourselves, and Others
From Series: "Sunday Gatherings"
Sunday Gatherings with HeavenEarth Church.
by GarrisonComms | Jul 11, 2021
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CloseBelieving and following in Jesus will ultimately result in a transformation of your heart such that you have less and less interested in desiring VIP status. You desire exclusive status less and less. You desire greatness less and less. And you know what causes hatred and conflict and violence often in our world: THAT, the desire to be great, better than others, VIP, more powerful, mightier, wealthier, stronger. Blessed are the peacemakers who lay that stuff down actively and always like Jesus does and did. When we practice peacemaking as Jesus does it, we will start to see our identity--children of God--more clearly.
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Sunday Gatherings with HeavenEarth Church.