Ross Stackhouse - January 19, 2025

Resolution, vol. 3: the End in Mind and the Now

We’ve been talking about living a life determined by vision that blesses God, us, and others. If our picture of where we want to be is inspired by God, this helps us to “begin with the end in mind” as Stephen Covey says in The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Jesus does just this with his vision. Early on in his ministry, “he determined to go to Jerusalem” where he would confront the worst of human sinfulness and be crucified. Jesus would spend months getting to that destination, and yet he embraced interruptions, detours and meaningful stops along the way. Jesus shows us how to live with vision for the future and yet also be fully present in the here and now. Scripture: Luke 9:51-62

From Series: "Resolution: the Life Determined by Vision"

This time a year lots of people come with resolutions, and statistically most people will not keep them. Why? Is it that our pursuit isn't sustainable? Is it that our vision is off? This series is all about helping us find higher and deeper inspiration for the vision that guides our lives. It's not a matter of if our lives are guided by vision, it's a matter of what vision.

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