Welcome to HeavenEarth Church | Whiteland, IN
If you feel like you don’t fit in church, you fit here.
Sunday Gatherings at 9:30am In-Person & Facebook Live
Maybe you struggle with organized religion but you’re still interested in Jesus
the Jesus who gave good news to the poor, freedom to the downtrodden, and love to lost people.
Jesus welcomed everyone, and so do we.
We want to build relationships with all kinds of people. We want to walk with people and work in our community to help people experience freedom from their burdens. We want to know Jesus and practice his way so our community is transformed for generations to come.
We Value YOU
We want to meet you where you are and see you as God’s masterpiece.
We Value JESUS
We want to fix our eyes on what Jesus says and does and be changed by his Spirit.
We want to learn and make a difference by walking the walk and putting what Jesus says and does into practice.
We want to bless our community through friendships and partnerships.
Are you ready for a next step, spiritually?
On Your Own
Maybe you’re not ready for a group. You have things you want to work out on your own. We’re here to support you.
In a Group
There is something special about having a group of people you can trust to help you take a step forward.
Sunday Gatherings
When a big group comes together, amazing things can happen. Sundays at 9:30am in-person or online.
Are you looking for assistance or another kind of support
As followers of Jesus, we’re called to love our neighbors. We put this call to work in tangible ways through:
We partner with local nonprofits and organizations to address poverty, addiction, and more.
A weekly group for persons in recovery from addiction to supplement ongoing treatment.
Do you need help? We are here to help and support you in partnership with community organizations.

Have you heard our new podcast?
Join Pastor Ross Stackhouse and his co-host, Dr. Brad Miller, as they create space to amplify the complicated and beautiful stories of people who belong to HeavenEarth Church, as well as the stories of our neighbors and partners.